It was a dream:In the equestrian figures of high school (here a lean to the right, like a dance step),the horse and his rider can reach the summit of their art through a complicity ofgreat intelligence, where the concentration of each of the two partners seeksperfection. The perception of this agreement is not totally without risk in thispainting: the glowing disk imposes a feeling of anxiety, like the sunset of a day ofclimatic threat. The dream is in suspense. Can the fogged, deceptive, torn andbruised window, where this dream seems to be moving away, cancel it? In the forest of long waiting:The title is that of a 15th century ballad by Charles of Orleans in which heconcentrates his thoughts. Here the painting reflects a sensory experience lived inthe forest environment. In this multidimensional universe, the gaze is turnedupwards and concentrates to get lost in the misty peaks. The light is subdued, aliveand soothing. Starry shapes vibrate (light yellow), a central point of white lightpierces the canopy and illuminates a fragile thread of light stretched between twosymmetrical markers of old decaying wood that accentuate the depth of the field ofvision. The positioning, the structure and the dimension of these two geometricalforms are in close relation with the square. Connected by a spider’s thread, theyattract each other until they are distorted. Under the whispering tree:This is the story of a tree, its intelligence and its transfiguration. A very old treeresists a sky of fire and a strong wind that hits it with violence. The trunk archedagainst the hurricane resists. The energy that rises from the ground to the top of thetree becomes a moving light, a cloud, a flower, a sensitive organization, a whisperof past and future events. A pure pleasure of painting in search of the energeticlines of force and the chromatic subtleties. Céladon Céladon L'ombre attends - Tryptique Sous la vague - Tryptique Le détroit du temps - Tryptique Le détroit du temps, Sous la vague, l'ombre attends