Castle of Villandry, 37510, Villandry
June 2 to Nov. 12, 2018

Revisiting themes and motifs from antiquity or the Renaissance, JEAN-YVES
BOURGAIN seeks the agreement of a contemporary pictorial practice with our
artistic heritage and recomposes a harmony of colors and forms for a contemplation
that escapes the everyday.

Sleeping Ariane. Oil on canvas, 140cm x 198cm,

Cavaliers d’Autres Temps

Si le fleuve du temps retournait vers sa source,
Ils se rencontreraient, les guerriers d’autrefois.
Sur les berges du temps, oublieux de l’oubli,
Les anciens de légende, les modernes centaures,
Ivres de leur jeunesse à jamais renaissante.

(Les Anciens …)
Vous qui fûtes jadis héros de l’épopée,
au galop triomphant dans toutes les mémoires,
chantés par les poètes amoureux de victoire,
morts si longtemps déjà mais toujours rayonnants,
vous vous rencontrerez …

(Les Renaissants …) … vous vous rencontrerez,
vous qui fûtes plus tard, guerriers et capitaines,
épris d’antiquité, de gloire et de combats,
vous qui avez voulu revivre l’épopée,
faire de votre époque un fabuleux printemps.

Pascale Bourgain

Cavaliers of Yesteryear

If the river of time returned to its source,
They would meet, the warriors of bygone times,
On the shores of time, forgetful of forgetfulness,
The Ancients of legend, the modern Kentaurs,
Enthralled by their youth, forever born again.

(The Ancient Ones)
You who were in times past heroes of the saga,
With triumphant gallop in all memories,
Sung by the poets in love with victory,
Dead so long ago but still radiant,
You will meet…

(Renaissance people) …You will meet,
You who were later, warriors and captains,
Enamoured by Ancient Times, glory and combat,
You who wished to relive the saga,
Bringing forth for your time a fabulous spring.

Pascale Bourgain


Works on paper, mixed media, 40 x 50cm


Works on paper, mixed media, 40 x 50cm

Darius III, acrylic on canvas, 140cm x 198cm, private collection

In a configuration that has become a landscape, the chariot of Darius III fleeing
from Alexander (theme of a mosaic of Pompeii), under a sky of deluge, crosses

the desert at full speed. A window opens on its side. A contemporary reflection
to reappropriate in a colorful festival our visual heritage as well as the active
themes of antiquity, which are one of the engines of our long memory.

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